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What is Graphology ? |
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GRAPHOLOGY, is a well-researched and validated system of analysis to determine the personality of an individual through the study of the strokes of handwriting. Wherever personality is important Graphology has a role to play. The is one thing Graphology is not; it is not the occult. Graphology is a scientific method of personality assessment based on research that has been carried out by both empirical and clinical processes. As with any science, Graphology remains the subject of further research and validation. |
Graphology is a Science You are unique and so is your hanwriting. On the other hand, writing conforms to a kind of universal pattern imprinted in everybody's unconcious mind. The brain and the hand pick out just those parts of the pattern that reflect the writer's personality. They omit the parts representing traits the writer does not have. If people mature, or go through a bad patch, their handwriting changes to include hitherto unused parts of the unconcious blueprint. What Traits Are They ? Handwriting reveals abilities, aptitudes, outer personality attributes, and deeper features of the inner character. It shows what people are like, but not what they have done. A Grapho;ogist can discern which short-listed candidates are well suited to an advertised post. Writing does not reveal whether they have qualifications; that needs separate checking. It cannot predict the future, nor can it tell age or sex; people and their writing mature at different rates, and most of us have some masculine and some feminine characteristics. |
Speakers SPEAKERS... It is easy for graphologists to fascinate an audience because handwriting is relevant to everyone. Behind the surface entertainment, however, is a serious science intrigued by that too Courses Full courses are provided. Introductory courses to Graphology are also on a one-day or weekend basis. They can also be spread over a period. Members are certified only by the International Graphology association (IGA). Further information about Graphology services may be obtained without charge or obligation from the Association or any Graphologist. CORPORATE HOSPITALITY WORK DONE FOR:- Goldman Sachs, AIT Computers |
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Corporate Hospitality, Presentation to Trade and Professional Associations, Staff Recruitment, Compatibility Reports, Individual Analyses and Introductory Courses |